Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Porter's Genesis, part 1

No animal should endure awareness during the birthing process. I would include the mother as well as the offspring in this generalized statement, as I understand it's quite an unavoidable and sometimes unwelcome process for the matron to experience. I unfortunately have recollections from moments after my trip down the slippery chute, and despite a conscious and therapeutic effort on my part to try and block these remembrances, they parade themselves through my mind in flashes that provoke my gag reflex.
The assault of all five senses during an event which is as far from sterile or even hygienic as you can possibly get, burned memories onto the few underdeveloped cerebral cells that I had as a piglet. I have resigned myself to the tortuous fact that they are here to stay.
I'll spare you the details, but be assured that the sight of nine other bald, mucus covered, mewling piglets, clambering over one another dragging trails of dirt, slime, bits of straw, excrement and other various barnyard materials, digging hooves into your sensitive pink belly and fighting and pushing you away from the one and only thing that you know you should be searching for.....well this experience would stand out vividly in your mind as well. Maybe I didn't spare details very well. Welcome to my Hell.
Fortunately for all 10 of us, we managed to pull ourselves together after this traumatic event, and learned quickly what we needed to do now on the outside of mother pig. At least, for about twenty four hours. Then our world was tossed upside down yet again.
To be continued on yet another day,
Yours truly,
Mr. PC Pig

On beginning a journey...

I will admit that my early days were a bit of a blur. It should be noted that any animal, pig or otherwise, should be lauded for making the transition from the relative safety of the womb into and through the first few weeks of life without any remnants of a cracked psyche. I mean really, the acclimations that are expected of a young pig in the early days and weeks of life border just short of permanently damaging. The entire process is quite barbaric, really. I believe that this protective 'blur' that I experienced in my early days is the only thing that stands between me and a lifelong Wednesday afternoon appointment on the shrinks couch.

I'd like to begin the tale of how I came to be in my ivory tower (that's what I call the place where I live, it is after all, upstairs and isolated away from the other animals, within the private suite of the man and the lady... But more on that and them later...) and what circumstances I endured prior to coming here. The tale is quite tragic at points, but I envision that it will be a bit cathartic to share it with you.
For today though, I feel as if I am spent and must rest and gather my thoughts on this story. I'll leave you with a portrait of myself, on my first night in the ivory tower. It was some point shortly after this that I realized I was destined to live a life much greater than what my upbringing suggested.
Until next time,
Porter C. Pig

What most people don't realize...

... Is that pigs can be highly refined creatures. Most people see the fat, mud-covered swine, grunting and lapping up slop out of a bucket in their mind's eye. I am here to change that perception my friends. Don't get me wrong, those stereotypical stupid hogs certainly exist, just as they do in any other branch of the animal kingdom. But I, personally, take great pride in shattering that stereotype.

Welcome to my Pensieve. A look into the daily porcine life, thoughts and musings of one Porter Cornelius Pig.
Join me on this journey my friends. There are many odd characters and fun tales that you will have the opportunity to experience through my (admittedly near-sighted) eyes. I promise it will be an adventure.

With much affection,
Porter C. Pig